3 Easy No-Cook Breakfasts for Kids

Every morning, my kids and I come downstairs for breakfast at 7:15 AM, and every morning my 3-year-old, Landon, asks me the same question:
ME: Yes, you can have cereal, Landon.
LANDON: OKAY!!!!! (Giggles nonstop–he’s so happy he’s almost crying.) I’LL HAVE CEREAL WITHOUT MILK, MOMMY.
ME: You need to have cereal with either milk or yogurt. If you just eat dry cereal for breakfast, you’ll be hungry in about an hour, and you won’t grow very well. So which would you like Landon, cereal with yogurt or cereal with milk?
LANDON: Ummmm, CEREAL WITH MILK! (Giggles again. His smiles light up the room.)
ME: Here you go, Landon! Cereal with milk! (I think I’ve done good, folks.)
LANDON: OH, I DIDN’T WANT CEREAL WITH MILK. I JUST WANTED CEREAL WITH YOOOGUUURT! (Lowers head into hands, puckers bottom lip, and SOBS.)
And this is the pleasant way we start some mornings.
This week, we are incorporating 3 healthy, no-cook breakfasts into our morning routine to break out of the cereal food rut.
3 easy No-Cook Breakfasts for Kids:
1. The Peanut Butter Waffle Head. Toast a waffle, spread organic peanut butter or almond butter on top, and use blueberries or another fruit to make a smiley face. It’s 3 ingredient heaven! The first few times I served this to Landon he systematically ate all the blueberries first, then licked off the peanut butter, then bit the waffle. You can dice this up for younger toddlers. (For the healthiest option, find a waffle brand with very few added ingredients, use organic peanut/almond butter, and organic blueberries if possible.)
2. Muesli. Place yogurt in a bowl, add a palmful of store-bought granola or muesli, and top with fresh berries or your child’s favorite fruit. We bought the muesli from the grocery store yesterday, and Landon’s job was to carry it from the car and bring it inside the house. When I went to the pantry this morning, it wasn’t there–but no worries, we found it! It was in the front yard near some bushes. Landon enjoyed two bowls this morning! (For the healthiest option, use organic plain yogurt, organic berries, and a granola or muesli brand with very few added ingredients if possible.)
3. Strawberry Ricotta Toast. Did you know strawberries are in season now? Toast a slice of whole wheat bread, spread a layer of ricotta cheese or cream cheese over the top, and layer with freshly diced strawberries. Make two, because you will want one for yourself! You can dice this for younger toddlers. (For the healthiest option, use organic and/or locally grown strawberries if possible, as strawberries are often full of pesticides.)
Your turn: tell us your favorite quick breakfast ideas in the comments!
If you enjoyed this post, sign up to receive our newsletter for other great ideas on feeding your baby, toddler, and family. Look out for our upcoming cookbook What a Good Eater! for baby & toddler recipes with healthy herbs and spices to add flavor and broaden your baby’s palette, expected 2016.
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Amado loves hot oatmeal with milk, topped with raisins and chia seeds. And I’ll usually give him some fresh fruit when he finishes that.
That’s a great one, Lola! That’s one of our sons favorites too, but I’ll have to add the chia seeds! Thank you!