Fast Recipe: Pan-fried Zucchini Circles

Right now, the garden is overflowing with zucchini. And I mean OVERFLOWING. I pick 2 zucchini, and 4 grow in their place. Needless to say, we’re having trouble keeping up with cooking the beautiful produce we’re reaping. With 2 small children at home, cooking time is limited and tight. We need fast ways to enjoy these amazing vegetables!
A common way we prepare these green beauties is pan-fried in a skillet. The whole process takes about 10 minutes, and it’s a family-friendly vegetable that everyone can enjoy! Try serving these to your toddler diced, or if they’re old enough, serve the whole circle! Let them hold it in their hands and take small bites! Talk to your child about the circular, round shape while they’re eating it.
Pan-fried Zucchini Circles:
- Cut the zucchini into round circles about 1/2 inch thick.
- In a frying pan over medium heat, add a small drizzle of olive oil and about 1 teaspoon of butter.
- When the pan is hot, add the zucchini. Lightly season both sides with kosher salt, pepper, and dried herbs. Try “21 Seasoning Salute” from Trader Joes, herbs de provence, or Italian Seasoning for great flavor.
- Cook the zucchini for 3-5 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Remove from heat before they get soggy.
- Serve! Toddlers can enjoy these in whole circles or diced.
If you have a favorite way that you enjoy zucchini, please let us know! We’d love to hear it!
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