Yogurt Berry Frosty: An Afternoon Treat!

Earlier this week, I was looking for an afternoon snack to feed my toddler (and myself). I wanted something a little novel to break from our standard routine. I stood in front of the refrigerator and freezer with the doors wide open, cold air blasting, and stared in a stupor for several minutes. I reached for some frozen berries, yogurt, and this concoction was born. Healthy and delicious, it only took 5 minutes to prepare!
Is the Yogurt Berry Frosty a breakfast food, a snack, or a healthy dessert?? I can’t decide myself! It could be any of these things! As my toddler and I ate it, he kept saying, “Mmmm, it’s good. Dis is good.” It reminded me of a frozen yogurt or ice cream indulgence. The icy coolness of the frozen berries combined with creamy yogurt made for a decadent, unexpected afternoon delight!
Yogurt Berry Frosty
Age: 10 months+
Yield: approximately ½ cup
Food storage: refrigerator-friendly
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: no cook!
Serving options: spoon feed or self-feed
- ¼ cup plain or vanilla organic yogurt
- ½ cup organic mixed frozen berries
- ¼ -½ cup cold water (enough to puree to a smooth consistency)
Place the frozen berries and water in a blender and puree to a smooth consistency. Add the berry puree to a small bowl and slowly add the yogurt while mixing. (You can adjust the yogurt to berry sauce proportions to create a desired consistency for you and your child.) Serve immediately, or for a more frozen consistency, freeze for approximately 1 hour or until set. Enjoy!
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